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drylin® ZLW - Toothed belt axis

The drylin® ZLW-1660 toothed belt axis is the ideal solution for many adjustment and positioning tasks and adds a further size to the drylin® ZLW toothed belt axis range.
The installation height is only 72 mm. Freely selectable stroke lengths (max. 3,000 mm).

100% Lubrication-free linear guide

Max. axial load: 500 N

Motor connection possible (NEMA 34)

Industries:Handling, automation, format adjustments

ZLW - Belt Drive

Dimensions [mm]

Part number A Al H E2 E3 l R f lt sg ha lz l2 d2*    
  –0,3     ±0,15 ±0,15   ±0,15   ±0,3         h9    
Delivery time on request ZLW-1660-02-S-100-L (1) 104 100 72 86 82 252 60 2 76 M8 43 38 20 14 1,450.39 EUR Add to shopping cart
ready for shipping in 10 working days ZLW-1660-02-S-100-R (1) 104 100 72 86 82 252 60 2 76 M8 43 38 20 14 1,450.39 EUR Add to shopping cart
ready for shipping in 10 working days ZLW-1660-02-S-100-L/R (1) 104 100 72 86 82 252 60 2 76 M8 43 38 20 14 Upon request Add to shopping cart
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Minimum stroke length 250 mm
(1) Dimension X freely selectable

Mounting dimensions [mm]

Part number X E LP dp T1 T2 d    
    ±0,2     ±0,25 ±0,25      
Delivery time on request ZLW-1660-02-S-100-L (1) - 100 40 9 65 60 M5 1,450.39 EUR Add to shopping cart
ready for shipping in 10 working days ZLW-1660-02-S-100-R (1) - 100 40 9 65 60 M5 1,450.39 EUR Add to shopping cart
ready for shipping in 10 working days ZLW-1660-02-S-100-L/R (1) - 100 40 9 65 60 M5 Upon request Add to shopping cart
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Minimum stroke length 250 mm
(1) Dimension X freely selectable

Technical data

  Weight Weight max. transmission Gear teeth belt- belt- belt-    
  without stroke 100 mm stroke Stroke length     material Width Voltage    
  [kg] [kg] [mm] [mm/U]     [mm] [N]    
Standard 02 4,0 0,5 3000 120 AT 5 PU with steel 32 500    

  Max. radial load Guide bearing Max. speed max. position accuracy
  [N]   [m/s] [mm]
Standard 02 2.000 Grooved ball bearing 5 ±0,2

ready for shipping in 10 working days
Delivery time on request

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igus® GmbH points out that it does not sell any products of the companies Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM,Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber and all other drive manufacturers mention on this website. The products offered by igus® are those of igus® GmbH